Após novo servidor Hybrid o Exchange Online não se conecta ao MRSProxy

Logo após a execução do Hybrid Wizard para configuração de novos servidores, fui tentar realizar um move mailbox ao Exchange Online e obtive os seguintes erros:

No console do Exchange Online:

We couldn’t detect your server settings. Please enter them. The ExchangeRemote endpoint settings could not be determined from the autodiscover response. No MRSProxy was found running at dominio.com

No MRSProxy was found running

Através do Powershell:

Result             : Failed
Message            : The ExchangeRemote endpoint settings could not be determined from the autodiscover response. No
                     MRSProxy was found running at ‘mail.dominio.com’.
ErrorDetail        : internal error:Microsoft.Exchange.Migration.MigrationRemoteEndpointSettingsCouldNotBeAutodiscovere
                     dException: The ExchangeRemote endpoint settings could not be determined from the autodiscover
                     response. No MRSProxy was found running at ‘mail.dominio.com’. —>
                     Microsoft.Exchange.Migration.MigrationServerConnectionFailedException: The connection to the
                     server ‘mail.dominio.com’ could not be completed. —>
                     Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.RemoteTransientException: The call to
                     ‘https://mail.dominio.com/EWS/mrsproxy.svc’ failed. Error details: The HTTP request was
                     forbidden with client authentication scheme ‘Negotiate’. –> The remote server returned an error:
                     (403) Forbidden.. —> Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.RemotePermanentException: The
                     HTTP request was forbidden with client authentication scheme ‘Negotiate’. —>
                     Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.RemotePermanentException: The remote server returned
                     an error: (403) Forbidden.
                        — End of inner exception stack trace —
                        — End of inner exception stack trace —
                        at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.MailboxReplicationServiceFault.<>c__DisplayClas
                        at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.ExecutionContext.Execute(Action operation)
                        at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.MailboxReplicationServiceFault.ReconstructAndTh
                     row(String serverName, VersionInformation serverVersion)
                        at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.WcfClientWithFaultHandling`2.<>c__DisplayClass1
                        at Microsoft.Exchange.Net.WcfClientBase`1.CallService(Action serviceCall, String context)
                     serviceCall, String context)
                        at Microsoft.Exchange.Migration.MigrationExchangeProxyRpcClient.CanConnectToMrsProxy(Fqdn
                     serverName, Guid mbxGuid, NetworkCredential credentials, LocalizedException& error)
                        — End of inner exception stack trace —
                        at Microsoft.Exchange.Migration.DataAccessLayer.ExchangeRemoteMoveEndpoint.VerifyConnectivity()
                        at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Migration.MigrationService.Endpoint.TestMigrationServerAvailab
                     ility.InternalProcessEndpoint(Boolean fromAutoDiscover)



Após verificar que o serviço de Mailbox Replication estava em running em ambos os novos servidores, realizei um simples IISRESET em cada novo servidor o problema foi sanado.

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